sobota 10. srpna 2013

natural born killers

today i woke up quite early amd went to the camden town.

i supposed to meet wendy again, but she said, she is not able to come. so i went there anyway and was there alone and it was kinda ok.

i found out, when i am alone, i do the most and i do what i want.

i dont need others to talk to my life and i dont need to talk to the people...

so i wasnin camden and i bought some gifts for others and also some cute tshirt for myself.

because it was lunchtime and i felt tired i decide to have some lunch, so i had paela and it was really tasty and gave me energy.

i think i spent there like ages, but it was super cool.

at the begining i have wisited some cool shop with punk/rock/goth clothes.

there was some punk/rock/goth girl and i have asked her if i can take picture of her and she replied angry "no fucking picture of me!"

well, ok, thats why i have asked, lol

then some cool punkrock guy came to me: if you would love to see old classic england, come on excursion with me.

so i went into the basement and there was some stuff from 70.s like leather jackets, flanel jackets and other cool stuff. so i have tried some, but the guy said its big for me and i said its short for me.

then i have asked him if he has any punk trousers.

and he said

"oh yes, sure, come with me. follow me"

so i had followed him. like two stages up. and then we went into some room full of trousers. he gave me like 3 pairs of them and said "try it here"

lol, awesome!

then he said i should pay to the boss, and i decide to ask for the union jack flag (because that was the last thing missing) and he brought me to the punk/rock/goth/whatever lady again and she just put her hand into the bag and said "here is your god damn english flag!"

then at the evening i was not sure if i should visit primark, but then i decide to visit and there was so damn lot people...

but i bought some shirt (maybe i should buy more) and some.t-shirts..

and then i just went home and now we are at the pub..

todau i had so many flashbacks and it was kind... teribble... shit happens...

we will see tomorrow


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